This was President's and my last trip to Iceland as Mission President and wife. It was wonderful in every way. We welcomed a new senior couple, Öldungur and Systir Jessee. This is their third mission. They are an example of faithfulness, dedication, charity and service. No doubt, they will bless the people of Iceland. These senior missionaries are truly instruments in the hand of the Lord. We are missing another faithful couple who are with visiting family members, Öldungur and Systir Pfau. We will miss them as we depart our mission but know that Iceland is in good hands.
President and I provided the training on having the Holy Ghost as well as teaching by the Holy Ghost.
Delicious Mexican restaraunt |
Preparing for Zone Conference to begin |
Language training |
Report on key indicators |
Testimonies from Öldungur and Systir Jessee |
Departing testimonies from Öldungur and Systir Pfau |
Departing testimony of one very faithful and dedicated Öldungur Ludwig. |
Departing testimonies from President and Sister O'Bryant |
Morning break |
We took the missionaries to a favorite hamburger/rib restaurant. They also had large shakes :-D
The Pfau's have been a wonderful influence among missionaries and Elders here in Iceland. They have served faithfully and have brought much happiness to Iceland. Thank you for your service<3 |
The Icelandic people will greatly miss Elder Ludwig. We don't receive finer missionaries than this elder Thank you for your example and service<3 |
Iceland will be blessed with the charity and faith Elder and Sister Jessee will offer. Thank you for coming to Iceland. |
Öldungur and Systir Erickson arrived 10 months ago. President Erickson is a counselor to President O'Bryant. He also served as one of the first missionaries in Iceland, speaks the language, and has made a huge difference by teaching with the elders, overseeing the missionaries as well as the members. Thank you for your faithful service<3 |
We spent Sunday in Selfoss. speaking, teaching and visiting. The drive was exciting with rain, snow and wind. |
We had a special visit from one of Iceland's authors and photographers. We received one of his books as a much appreciated gift. |
We also received an autographed Icelandic apron. |
Another autographed apron. |
Dinner with the Selfoss Branch President, wife and two elders. Delicious meal of salmon, salad, potato salad and grilled sweet potatoes. A perfect ending to a perfect weekend. |
Back in Denmark, we had the sweet experience of joining one of our departed missionaries as he, his fiance, and their parents, were sealed in the Copenhagen temple. Such a blessing!
Cody Millward and his beautiful wife |
Another visit from one of our departed Sisters, her father, sister and friend. |
McCall Haag |
Missions are not meant to be easy. Everyday has a new set of challenges. However, as we pray, study His word, repent, remain obedient, and submit to the Lord, we will be blessed for the rest of eternity. We will miss the members in Iceland. We have worked hard and loved much. God bless this beautiful land<3